Responsible coffee at the heart of our sustainable commitment

Commitments, News

Committed to contributing to a fairer environment and reducing our carbon footprint, our internal working group dedicated to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has recently taken steps to address the coffee consumption of our teams.

Responsible coffee for our employees

From now on, our employees can enjoy responsible coffee every day! Thanks to a new partnership with Jolt Coffee Roasters, a company located in Belval, just a few hundred meters from our offices, we provide our team with high-quality, locally roasted coffee while reducing our environmental impact.

Jolt Coffee: a local, ethical, and sustainable partner

The coffee we consume comes from carefully selected producers around the world, who are fairly compensated, outside of any stock market dynamics. This partnership with Jolt Coffee Roasters aligns perfectly with our desire to prioritize responsible products and support fair trade. Not only are we reducing emissions from transportation, but we are also supporting a local business that shares our values.

Prioritizing quality over quantity

By choosing a local and ethical supplier, we are committed to offering our employees exceptional products, where quality takes precedence over quantity. This coffee is not only delicious, but it also embodies our commitment to a more sustainable future.

Thanks to our SDG team

This initiative would not have come to life without the dedication of the members of our SDG working group, whom we warmly thank for their ongoing efforts to find ever more innovative solutions to reduce our environmental impact.

Responsible consumption for everyone

Want to introduce more responsible coffee consumption within your company? We encourage you to contact Jolt Coffee Roasters! When it comes to the environment, every action counts, and we will continue to seek ways to reduce our carbon footprint while caring for our employees and the planet.