Salary deductions: a handbook for HR
Managing salary deductions is a complex topic for HR departments. Our training provides a clear and concise overview of the types of deductions allowed in Luxembourg, calculation methods, and best practices for handling garnishments and assignments.
Tax regime for highly skilles (impatriates): 2025 updates
The reform of the tax regime for expatriate employees, effective January 2025, aims to enhance Luxembourg’s appeal for international talent. In this 30-minute webinar, our legal experts break down key changes to help you integrate this new tax framework into your HR practices.
Tax reform 2025
Discover how the 2025 tax reform in Luxembourg will impact businesses and employees. This training guides you through the key changes, such as adjustments to the tax brackets, tax relief for households, and measures to enhance fiscal attractiveness. Get ready to adapt your compensation policies and stay compliant with the new legal requirements.
Payroll Academy
Une immersion complète dans l’univers du payroll à travers un parcours ludique. Le fil conducteur de cette formation est la vie salariale de Marie, une employée fictive, depuis son premier contrat au Luxembourg jusqu’à la fin de celui-ci.