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Information on social legislation in Luxembourg

No time to follow the changes in legislation ? Are you worried that you will miss an amendment and badly fullfil your administrative, social and tax obligations ? Upon demand, you will be regularly updated of changes in social legislation on different subjects: hiring a student, leave, part-time ...


Find our previous publications in our archives 2021, archives 2020, and our archives 2019.


June 24, 2024 : The rental allocation: the new tax-free allocation within certain limits and conditions !

June 24, 2024 : The Collective Labour Agreement of insurance companies 2024-2026 : finally signed !

June 5, 2024 : Tolerance threshold for Belgian cross-border workers: when to prorate?

June 5, 2024 : Terms and conditions for hiring students or pupils

March 28, 2024 : Germany : application of the 34-days tax tolerance threshold

January 15, 2024 : New Payroll features for 2024

January 08, 2024 : Travel and accommodation expenses

December 11, 2023 : The new “flexible working arrangements”

October 31, 2023 : Understanding VAT & car leasing

October 5, 2023 : Hiring Third-Country Nationals Made Easy!

August 9, 2023 : Future decrease of the contribution rates to the Employer’s Mutual Insurance

July 11, 2023 : Entry into force of the right to disconnect

July 7, 2023 : Germany: 34-day tax tolerance threshold soon !

July 6, 2023 : Framework agreement on cross-border telework

March 20, 2023 : Seizure and assignment

March 02, 2023 :   Industrial accident: what steps should the employer take ?

December 15: Aid scheme for medium-sized energy-using companies

November 10: Telework and social security: extension of the transitional period

November 02, 2022: COVID-19: Reduced isolation time from 7 to 4 days

October 24, 2022: 2023 Budget: measures announced

October 07, 2022: 34-day tax tolerance threshold for French frontier workers from 2023

September 19, 2022: Using short-time working for industrial companies affected by the energy crisis

August 22, 2022: the new energy tax credit

August 16, 2022: Fleet: aid to companies to invest in charging stations for electric vehicles

August 8, 2022: New extension for Covid-19 special family leave

July 25, 2022: Staying abroad and European card

July 18, 2022: Employer's obligations in case of hot weather and heat waves

July 04, 2022: New tolerance regarding social security for cross-border teleworkers

June 27, 2022: Essentials of trial period

June 06, 2022: Reform of company car taxation

May 16, 2022: New extension for Covid-19 special family leave

April 16, 2022: What is the salary for trainees?

April 04, 2022: Indexation of wages on April 1st, 2022

March 28, 2022: Extension of the bilateral tax agreements between Luxembourg and border countries

March 14, 2022: The Contribution to the Chamber of Employees

March 07, 2022: The leave for family reason in the context of the covid-19 pandemic extended until 30 April 2022

February 17, 2022: Optional Covid Check «3G» in companies

February 07, 2022: Various measures for the Covid-19 Pandemic

January 17, 2022: New competent institution for A1 applications for French tax residents

January 10, 2022: Change of dates in order to submit short-time work request for February 2022

January 03, 2022 : Retroactive application for short-time working for December 2021 and January 2022

January 01, 2022: Social parameters applicable from January 1, 2022


Feel free to contact us, should you have any queries:



2, avenue du Blues
L-4368 Belvaux
(+352) 26 38 46-1


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